The orchestras meet for two semesters during the school year. The fall session runs from mid September to early December, and the spring session from mid-January to mid-April.

Fall 2023 Rehearsal Schedule
Fall semester begins on September 19.
Prima – 3:00-3:45pm
Mezza – 3:45-4:45pm
Avanzata – 5:00-6:00pm
There are no rehearsals during school vacations or on days when there is no school, i.e. holidays or snow days.
Rehearsal Locations
All three orchestras rehearse in the cafeteria at Great Salt Bay School, located at 559 Main Street in Damariscotta.
Our winter concert is tentatively scheduled for 7:00 PM in the gym at Great Salt Bay School on December 5.
Note to performers: dress code is black and white for Prima and Mezza orchestras, and all black (with red accent) for Avanzata.
Dues are $40 a semester. Scholarships are available, just ask at rehearsal. You may pay by check or click here to pay via PayPal online.
We invite you to email us for more information, to be added to our email list, or to register one or more participants. You may also register in person at a rehearsal.